Youth Permission Slip
Youth Ministries Activity Permission Form
I hereby give permission for my son/daughter/teen in my care to attend any scheduled youth event planned by the Living Water Foursquare Church youth leaders.
I understand that there will always be adult supervision at any of these events.
I understand and appreciate that all leaders at Living Water Foursquare Church youth events have up-to-date Criminal Record Checks.
If need be I give permission for my son/daughter/teen in my care to be driven to or from any of these scheduled youth events with the knowledge that he/she will never be alone with the adult driver.
I will encourage my son/daughter/teen in my care to respect the rules/directives given by any of the Living Water Foursquare Church youth leaders during the duration of the planned youth events and understand that if this does not happen that I will be called and will have to come pick up my son/daughter/teen in my care.