Welcome to Living Water Youth Ministry!
Here, we journey alongside students as they find a place to belong, grow in their faith, and
become devoted followers of Jesus. We offer two dynamic programs on Wednesday nights: Jr.
High (grades 6-8) meets in the CE Building from 6:30-8:30 pm, and Sr. High (grades 9-12)
gathers in the Church basement from 7:15-9:15 pm.
Our evenings are designed to be both fun and meaningful—we play hard and pray hard. Our
goal is to encounter the living God every time we come together, whether through exciting
games, powerful worship, or meaningful conversations. This isn't just an after-school program
or a social club; it’s a youth ministry dedicated to guiding students toward a deeper
relationship with the God who loves them so much that He went to the cross for them. We're
committed to developing resilient disciples of Jesus, equipped to live out their faith and share
the Gospel boldly.
JR High (Grades 6-8) 630-830pm //CE Building
SR High (Grades 9-12) 715-915pm //Church Basement
Youth (Grades 6-12)
YOUTH GROUP is on Wednesday nights
JR High (Grades 6-8)// 6:30-8:30pm in the CE Building.
SR High (Grades 9-12)// 715-915pm in the church basement.
All youth in Grades 6-12 are welcome to come! To participate in off-site youth events please fill out the following permission slip and send it to contact@livingwaterpr.com.
Check out our Calendar
We want you to be well informed with what we are doing here at LWY. If you have any questions about our program or calendar, contact Cody at Cody@livingwaterpr.com

Interested in Becoming a Youth Leader?
Youth leaders have the incredible opportunity to make an eternal impact on the lives of students. We’re looking for people like you—committed to growing spiritually and ready to guide others on their journey. It’s not about having all the answers or having everything in life perfectly sorted; it’s about trusting Jesus as your Savior and being open to becoming more like Him. Whether you’re interested in leading a small group or helping with events, we’d love to equip you to serve our students.
To apply, contact Pastor Cody at cody@livingwaterpr.com.
Be sure to click the buttons below to read the manual and fill out the application to learn more about who we are and what we’re all about!
More Details
We welcome youth to our special events we have throughout the year - we believe that there is great value in all of the generations being together, learning from each other and supporting one another.
“They followed a daily discipline of worship in the Temple followed by meals at home, every meal a celebration, exuberant and joyful, as they praised God. People in general liked what they saw. Every day their number grew as God added those who were saved.”
— Acts 2:46-47
Have Questions?
Meet Pastor Cody
Cody grew up in Powell River, BC, and after graduating from Brooks Secondary School in 2015, he pursued further education at Columbia Bible College, earning a degree in Counselling and Human Services.
In 2022, he returned to Powell River with his wife, Sydnee, and their daughter, Georgia. Since then, their family has grown with the addition of their second daughter, Isla.
Cody is deeply passionate about creating opportunities for students to reach their God-given potential in their relationship with God, themselves, and those around them. When he’s not busy with ministry, you’ll likely find him engaged in anything related to baseball—especially cheering on the Blue Jays—or enjoying a good cup of coffee.